English Lecture Meetings for Science Major Students
Miniaturization of Electric Devices:
The Latest Report from Germany
小岩 一郎 先生

1) 真空管と電気ワイアを用いた初期の電子デバイス
2) 半導体集積回路とプリント配線板を備えた電子デバイス
3) ムーアの法則とその変遷
4) ゲーム機における極小化

Q. Professor Koiwa, do you think we will reach a limit to Moore’s Law sooner or later?
A. What a fantastic question! Currently, the size of the chips is becoming larger and larger due to the increase of their capacity. However, it is expected that as the size of the chip is enlarged, it will be difficult to produce as many chips as would fulfill the demand of the world market; besides, there would be produced a larger number of defective products whose size is also larger than that of the chips currently manufactured.
In order to resolve this problem, researchers have been trying to develop a new type of IC chip called “chiplet” for the last ten years or so. Instead of producing a larger-sized chip, they endeavor to produce a chip comprised of a few numbers of component chips with clearly distinct functions. Were this technology to be established in the future, Moore’s Law itself might finish its role in the history of the development of semiconductors. The idea of a chiplet could be a revolutionary development in this field. Let us keep paying attention to its development hereafter.
Finally, in connection with this issue, I should mention a problem with lithography: while the miniaturization of semiconductors requires technique to draw miniaturized electronic circuits, there is no established technique known for next-generation lithography. This is another important task which should go hand in hand with the development of chiplet in the near future.
Q. Before the public statement of Moore’s Law, what were the situations of miniaturization like? Was the electronics industry fervently pushing it forward?
A. When we characterize the nature of Moore’s Law, the most suitable word for its description seems to be “declaration of Gordon Moore’s hope (or his ambition, for that matter) for the future of Intel at the stage of 1965.” By announcing his future vision publicly, Moore attempted to lay down a new design rule of IC chips for the world industry to follow, thereby making a large profit for his own company. Therefore, as my answer to your question, I would like to suggest that your question should be better rephrased as “why, all of a sudden, has miniaturization been declared so loudly since 1965?”
5) EUVリソグラフィ技術
6) 携帯電話における極小化